NYE night Kat Williams was in a local Detroit night club doing an impromptu stand-up routine. Sooooo he starts going in on this one dude who was wearing a cowboy hat and matching boots. Spies in the house say the crowd was cracking up until Mr. Cowboy walked up to Kat and bitch slapped him across the face. They say Kat, who was without any sort of entourage, just sat in a corner smoking a cigarette and when someone approached him asking if he was alright, he answered, "Hell naw I ain't alright! Didn't you just see that nigga slap me!?"

The dude from Detroit who slapped Kat Williams spoke to Vibe Magazine and this is what he had to say about the night he put the smack down: “I was probably with like 16, 17 dudes, we were scattered out throughout the club. Basically we were just up in there having a good time.” Kat passed dude, who was wearing a cowboy hat and a pair of $5,000 alligator cowboy boots, as he headed to the stage. When Kat got on the mic and started to riff, things went south. “I wasn’t even paying attention,” dude said. “I was talking to someone else while he was doing it. And then he pointed at me. I walked over to a couple of friends of mine, and they told me, ‘He’s clowning you.’ So I walked over there and asked [Kat], ‘So what you say? I don’t play that joke shit.’ So he was like, ‘And what?’ And that's when dude laid hands on Kat. "He didn’t even admit what he said when I asked him. He was still on some comedy stuff after I slapped him, I swear. After I slapped him, he jumped back and he was still talking and it was some girls holding him back. It was actually some girls in the club grabbing bottles like they wanted to do something to me too, like trying to protect him. He stopped and actually grabbed a square and was trying to light his cigarette. It was on some comedy stuff to me. He was trying to get his square lit, he took like two puffs, and he tried to charge back at me. But at this time, the security was heading me towards the door.” The next day on Detroit’s radio station WJLB, Kat told radio host Dr. Darrius dude slapped him in an attempt to steal his jewelry, a fact dude denied. “We weren’t trying to get his jewelry. I wasn’t that drunk to not know what was going on. [Kat] told like 20 percent of the truth [on the radio]. I could understand if we were at a comedy club, or some shit like that, but we weren’t there for that. It was after-hours, niggas was drunk, feeling it, we wasn’t there for that. It wasn’t no comedy show we were at. He’s mad because my guy was looking more pimpish than him. I’d do it again if he say something like that. And if I meet him, and he don’t do nothing like that, he on some old friendly buddy-buddy shit, I’m buddy-buddy too. I don’t have no problem. But if he got a problem next time we see each other…”
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